Saturday, March 1, 2008

Do we really need to know everything?

Recently I ran across CNN's "Showbiz Tonight". A debate ensued on the leaking of Prince Harry's service in Afghanistan. One the one side, there was the feeling that the "secret" had been kept as to where he was located and it was inappropriate to have his location exposed. On the other hand was investigative reporter, Jane Valez Michell who authored the book "Secret can be Murder". Her stance was that it was the British Military Forces fault for keeping the fact a secret because it can become "toxic". In her view he should have been sent over there, but put in a place where he could not do much harm. She further contended that now that the News agencies had agreed to keep the secret, many terrorist may target journalist as "spies".

It caused me to wonder, since when do I need to know everything about everybody who gains a bit of fame, notority, or wealth. The young man did not opt out of service, followed the call and went into battle with his comrades. He is building resume' for a future leader, if nothing else. But he was sold out by a reporter who appearantly cared nothing for his safety. And that's my beef. In this world , we seem to forget that there are somethings better left unsaid. We are so eagar to "keep it real" that we lost a sense of curtiousness and caring. Had it been "put out there" that Harry was in Afghanistan, he and his unit would have been a huge target. Even if he was just shuffling papers, his file cabinet and those around him could have been a target. Let's get real, He was doing his duty. End of story. Do we know what the other soldiers backgrounds are, should we make them public, should we then broadcast there location.? the answer is in my opinion is no. Individuals are fullfilling their duties with their lives.

We are becoming a society that wants to put it all out there. However, there are consequences for every action. Do we really need to know every time that someone slips at the mall, falls while getting a latte, or has a run in with the parking police? The answer again is no. My mother used to tell me "There are some things better left unsaid". She gets wiser the more mature I become.

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