Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's always the Little things

I injured my right ankle several months ago at a family wedding (running man is not what it used to be). I did the manly thing and iced them down and elevated. Several months later, I noticed that I was having significant pain on the right side, starting with ankle and running through the hip and shoulders, even headaches. After checking with the Doctor, he referred me to Physical Therapy. At first, I was a bit skeptical because the pain was in several places why start with the ankle. They had me “play “with an oversized rubber band and thus began the journey. I was in twice a week for an hour and all we did was “workout” my ankle using simple everyday movements with a bit of resistance. Well after a few weeks I noticed that the pain in the ankle was going, the pain in the foot was gone, the legs and hip didn’t hurt.

Throughout this process I learned some very interesting things. The ankle is critical to balance. (Well duh! ) But when it is damaged or weakened the rest of the muscles over compensate to continue “normalcy”. However, when they get used in a way they were not supposed to, significant problems can occur.

Sometimes in life we don’t pay attention to the little things that keep us balanced. Things like, just a little bit of time for ourselves to unwind, taking a moment to look at the beauty of a flower, to have that coffee with a good friend, sending a note to someone of significance. We may overcompensate by working harder and longer, pushing ourselves to get things done. and get tired. And before long, we are out of balance. Everything may appear normal, but damage is happening. The Physical Therapy taught me that with some understanding, some wise counsel, challenge and some focused time and attention we can strengthen the area and get balance back “to normal”. As my right ankle improved, I noticed that my left ankle was not as strong, thus needing some attention. And that is the other lesson, once you start down the road to self improvement you might be surprised by what is revealed and learned.

Are you feeling “pain “in unusual places? Maybe you are out of balance. Take some time to check on your “health”, (Physical or otherwise) It might be “Simple, little things” with a bit of challenge and focus that help you move further down your road to “success”.

In the Shadows

Recently, I was taking our dog Remington out for his “personal time”. As I was walking around the house, I happened to look up into the window to my home office. I noticed that the light was creating a shadow of my son looking for something near the window. As I saw him moving back and forth, it dawned on me that I should see some of his actions and he was unaware that I was observing. It also struck me that others can see my actions and I would be unaware.

That is the way it is in leadership sometimes. People know who we are by our actions or appearance. But individuals are also observing us when we are unaware. Can they see what we are looking for? Can they tell our frustration? Do they see us in the proper light?

As you go throughout your day, think about what kind of shadows you cast. Hope fully, they are B.A.D. ones.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Doctor's Office Now Open

Hello and Thank you for investing a moment with me. My name is Rodger Campbell and I have decided to join the new era of technology. I am a professional speaker who spent many years on a college campus in the area of Student Activities. My students were always challenging me to grow as a person. They never really said it that way. It was usually something like " You don't blog?"" I read it on Myspace, didn't you?" "Where's your Facebook page? You don't have one!? You've got to get a Facebook page" or as one of my favorites said " You've got to get with it Mr. Campbell!" So, I'm slowly getting with it. As you can tell by now, I'm somewhat old school. Yes an AARP gonna be.

But I've learned over time that the old school had some wisdom that shouldn't be overlooked. That's where I come in. My goal with the blog is to bring the bridge of Old School and New School together so that we can learn. If that doesn't work out, maybe by reading this blog you will be inspired. If that doesn't work, then maybe it will be just as my pediatrician told my mom, I would grow up to be a clown. So if all else fails, I hope you get a laugh.

As for the title it is both title and goal. For years I've helped those who have come to me with questions, concerns, and issues ( mostly issues) about this thing called life. I'm smart enough to know that I don't know everything but old enough now to know something. So I share from my experience and thoughts, just like a psychologist. ( more like Lucy in the "Peanuts' comics.) So my goal is to be the good doctor and share with you some insights and humor. Dr. Serious Fun if you please. So, the office is officially open, have a seat and the doctor will be with you shortly.